★ ★ ★ SITE WIDE SALE FEB 22-23 ★ ★ ★

Return/Refund Policy

We want you to have ultimate peace of mind when purchasing from us.  

If you receive a piece from us and it's not in as-described condition or as-shown in photos.  We will offer a full refund as long as you contact us within 48 hours of the item having been delivered to the delivery destination.  You will need to also provide photo evidence as well within the initial 48 hour correspondence mentioned above.

(Please be sure to inspect the piece(s) when un packaging them to ensure no issues were caused by the shipper as that would be a separate claim).

We will also offer as another option that if there is a minor repair or refinish to be made, we can have it taken care of properly for you so that you can still enjoy the piece you ordered.

At the end of the day, we truly want you to be satisfied with the items you ordered and the service you received from us as well as the peace of mind to know that if you're not satisfied, we will refund you fully.